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Der Newsletter „Mycology News“ richtet sich an Berufstätige im Gesundheitswesen, die an der Vermittlung und Verbreitung von Informationen über die klinische Anwendung von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln aus Heilpilzen interessiert sind.
Anzeigen der Newsletter, die in folgenden Sprachen erhältlich sind:
In this fourth edition, we look to the possible link between viruses and cancer, and focus on the clinical use of Coriolus versicolor in the treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and fatigue during radioteraphy. Our mushroom focus is on Maitake (Grifola frondosa).
In this third issue, the focus is on the use of mushrum nutrition in the treatment of chronic fatigue, and in particular on the mushroom Coriolus versicolor, also know as Tramates versicolor.
In this second edition, Giovanni Maciocia provides a Tradicional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perspective on mushroom nutrition, we focus on Reishi (Ling Zhi/Ganoderma lucidium) and review the progress of MRL sponsored triathlete Chad Hawker.