Mycology Newsletters

Der Newsletter „Mycology News“ richtet sich an Berufstätige im Gesundheitswesen, die an der Vermittlung und Verbreitung von Informationen über die klinische Anwendung von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln aus Heilpilzen interessiert sind.
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Vol. 4

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In this issue, Prof. Amin Karmali compares in vitro the impact of proteolytic enzymes on the beta-glucan content, enzyme content and secondary metabolite content between a biomass form of Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi) versus an extracted form of Ganoderma lucidum. Various forms of Beta 1,3 -1,6 glucan activities are measured, such as water soluble fraction, hot water fraction, NaOH fraction, KOH fraction and HCI fraction. In terms of enzymes, measurements, super-oxide dismutase activity (SOD), peroxidase activity, Glucoamylase/Beta-glucanasase activity , Glucose 2-oxdase activity, Cytochrome “P-450” , Cytochrome P 450 reductase were taken in the absence of proteolytic enzymes and in the presence of proteolytic enzymes.

A copy of Professor Todor Chernev´s poster presentation entitled “Coriolus-MRL supplementation in patients infected with low-risk and high-risk HPV subtypes - Bulgarian experience “presented. The original poster presentation on the use of Coriolus-MRL in two separate studies (100 patients and 200 patients respectively) reinforces the original clinical work by Dr. Silva Coutu in which Coriolus-MRL is a useful tool for gynaecologists when working with HPV LSIL patients with High risk viral subtypes.

Presented is an English translation of a 2008 Bulgarian Medline article on Coriolus-MRL by Dr. Yuliyana Bogdanova (PhD) from the Bulgarian Institute of Botany, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, in Sofia, Bulgaria. The study outlines the clinical development of Coriolus-MRL.

Finally, Professor Vittorio Calabrese (University of Catania, Italy) and Professor Tito Fernandes (Scientific Director, University of Lurio, Mozambique) propose to use mushroom nutrition in Alzheimer´s patients. This two part proposal is focused on the premise that the HSV1 virus could trigger the biochemical events that lead to the development of Alzheimer´s disease. The paper relies on work conducted by researchers working with Dr. Frank M. LaFerla at the at the department of Neurobiology and Behaviour at the university of California Irvine, in Irvine California and to work conducted by researchers working with Professor Ruth Itzhaki in the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom. As a first step, the proposed protocol seeks to verify that Coriolus-MRL when combined equally with Hericium-MRL can activate Lipoxin A4 (LXA4) activity which has been postulated as a novel approach to addressing the symptoms associated with Alzheimer´s disease. With confirmation that mushroom nutrition can activate LXA4 activity, then a small scale human study will be initiated.

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Vol. 3

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In this issue, Dr. Stoyan Borisov presents his clinical assessment study on the effect of Coriolus versicolor supplementation on patients with Low-risk and High-risk HPV subtypes. Dr. Chris Newton (Ph.D) proposes a study on the potential role of mushroom nutrition as modulators of toll receptor-mediated immune response.

The enzyme researcher, Dr. Amin Karmali (Ph.D) presents a detoxification analysis (in vitro) on mushroom nutrition, outlining the superoxide dismutase activity, cytochrome P450, cytochrome P450 reductase and secondary metabolites activity of Grifola frondosa (Maitake), Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi), Coriolus versicolor and Cordyceps sinensis.

Finally, the latest poster presentation on the efficacy of Coriolus versicolor in the treatment of HPV lesions (LSIL), presented by Dr. J.Silva Couto at the 14th World Congress of Cervical Pathology and Colpscopy- (IFCPC)-July 4th to 7th, 2011 in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

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Vol. 2

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In this issue we have two articles by a team of researchers from the University of Catania (Italy) focused on the potential for mushroom nutrition to deliver enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase, that offset the damage by reactive oxygen species (ROS) which is associated with the onset of such neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer´s disease and ALS.

The articles are:
Mushroom Nutrition as a Target for Novel Therapeutic Strategies: Relevance to Nutritional Approaches and Antioxidant Redox Modulation in Ant aging Medicine- Professor Vittorio Calabrese et al.
Comparative Enzyme Analysis of Polyporus umbellatus, Agaricus blazei, Pleurtous osteratus and Hericium erinaceus-Carolin Cornelius et al.

This issue closes with a synopsis of a poster presentation entitled:
Coriolus versicolor Supplementation as Immunonutrition in HPV Patients with Cervical Lesions (LSIL)-by Dr. Jose Silva Couto-Institute of Oncology, Coimbra Portugal.

The poster is an evaluation of the efficacy of Coriolus versicolor supplementation in patients infected with HPV with low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL). The article describes how Coriolus versicolor supplementation (3g /day) over a period of one year substantially increased regression of the dysplasia (LSIL) and induced clearance of the high risk sub-types of the HPV virus responsible for cervical cancer.

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Vol. 1

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The Clinical Journal of Mycology (formerly Mycology News) is dedicated to the dissemination of information on the clinical use of mushroom nutrition to health care practitioners.

- Evaluation of Coriolus versicolor Supplementation in HPV Patients - by Dr. Silva Couto *

- Viral Relationship between HPV and Cancer - Editors Note

- Coriolus versicolor Supplementation in CIN-1 (LSIL) HPV Infection: Mode of Action - by Prof. Amin Karmali, Dr. Antonio Bugalho, Prof. Tito Fernandes

- Coriolus versicolor Supplementation for Recurrent Herpes Simplex - by Dr. Andrew French

* The Royal College of Physicians is solely the venue for the lectures and does not necessarily endorse their content.

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10th edition

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In this edition, we present a study by Dr Rajendra Sharma of the Diagnostic Clinic on the use of Coriolus supplementation in Leaky Gut Syndrome and have an update on Dr Jean Monro’s work with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFIDS), as well as her protocol for HPV. This is followed by a personal account from a prostate cancer sufferer of his experiences with mushroom nutrition, a report from Dr Girao Bastos on a case of Coriolus supplementation in a dog with tumours on the prostate, initial thoughts from John Tindall on the use of mushroom nutrition in the treatment of gout, and an enzymatic assay of the mushroom Agaricus blazei by Prof. Amin Karmali.

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9th edition

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In this edition, we look at the role of Cordyceps sinensis supplementation in liver disease and of mushroom nutrition in detoxificiation. Dr. Girao Bastos (Vet) outlines the clinical rational for the use of Coriolus versicolor supplementation as immunonutrition in small pets and we have an update on the use of mushrooms in sports nutrition.

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8th edition

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In this edition, we examine the use of Ganoderma lucidium (Reishi) in the management of histamine-mediated allergic responses and the role of Epstein-Bar Virus (EBV) in cancer growth. Dr. Rajendra Sharma details how practitioners could use EBV diagnostic tests to detect the EBV virus and we review the use of Coriolus versicolor (in italics) supplementation in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

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7th edition

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In this seventh edition, we present the results of Dr. Julian Kenyon's recent clinical study on the use of Coriolus versicolor supplementation in stage III and Stage IV patients and look at the potential importance of enzymes in mushroom nutrition, as well as reporting on the possible application of mushroom nutrition in inflammatory bowel disorders.

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6th edition

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In this sixth edition, we have articles on the link between viral pathogens and chronic fatigue related conditions, as well as the progressive relationship between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fybromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

There is also a discussion of mushroom nutrition in sports sup-lementation and of the combination formula ‘Triton’.

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5th edition

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In this fifth edition, we outline the importance os mushroom nutrition in rieversing a cytokine mediated TH1 - TH2 shift and it's application in the treatment of Mylagic Encephaloyelomyelitis (ME)/Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome (CFIDS) and HIV+ patients.
